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We publish the results of our research in high impact journals in the first quartiles of their respective categories. We have 147 international publications, distributed in journals such as TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Microchemical Journal, Spectrochimica Acta A, Analytical Chemistry, Talanta, Analytica Chimica Acta, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Forensic Science International, Science & Justice, Langmuir, Carbon, Colloid and Polymer Science, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (and others), as well as several book chapters and national publications. CINQUIFOR's research quality is reflected in each of its publications, some of which have been selected for the cover of the volume in which they were published (NIR news, 2014; Applied Spectroscopy, 2015), and the group has had a great impact, nationally and internationally, with several others (Homeland Security News Wire, SINC Agency). Some of our biggest published research achievements are… Ver toda la producción científica de CINQUIFOR
Here you can consult the PhD theses that, so far, have been defended in our group:

Doctoral theses

FORENSIC APPROACHES FOR THE DETECTION OF COCAINE IN HUMAN BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS BY RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Valentina D’Elia Direction: Gemma Montalvo García y Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá – University Institute of Research in Police Sciences (IUICP) September 22nd, 2017 Sobresaliente cum laude
If you would like more information about the PhD programmes offered by the University of Alcalá, you can find it by clicking on the links below:
ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR THE FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF IMPROVISED INCENDIARY DEVICES AND CONSUMER FIREWORKS Carlos Martín Alberca Direction: Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá – University Institute of Research in Police Sciences (IUICP) October 23rd, 2015 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award)
MICROSTRUCTURED – CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS AS NOVEL FRONTIER TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO THE ANALYSIS OF EXPLOSIVES AND QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS Matías Calcerrada Guerreiro Direction: Carmen García Ruiz y Miguel González Herráez University of Alcalá July 10th, 2015 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award)
INVESTIGATING CURRENT CHALLENGES IN FORENSIC INK ANALYSIS BY RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY André Filipe dos Ramos Martins Braz Direction: Carmen García Ruiz y María López López University of Alcalá – University Institute of Research in Police Sciences (IUICP) January 30th, 2015 Sobresaliente cum laude
ANALYSIS OF GLASS AND INKS IN FORENSIC CASEWORKS Francisco Alamilla Orellana Direction: Mercedes Torre Roldán y Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá – University Institute of Research in Police Sciences (IUICP) July 4th, 2014 Sobresaliente cum laude
ELECTROPHORETIC AND IMAGING APPROACHES FOR EXPLOSIVE DETECTION María de los Ángeles Fernández de la Ossa Direction: Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá June 27th, 2014 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award)
DYNAMITE PACKAGING AND PORTABLE CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS IN FORENSICS Jorge Sáiz Galindo Direction: Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá – University Institute of Research in Police Sciences (IUICP) July 5th, 2013 Sobresaliente cum laude
INFRARED AND RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS María López López Direction: Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá April 26th, 2013 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award y Accesit to the best doctoral thesis in the Community of Madrid)


VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF EXPLOSIVE RESIDUES AND BODY FLUIDS Félix Zapata Arráez Direction: Carmen García Ruiz University of Alcalá December 14th, 2018 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award and Society for Applied Spectroscopy Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Spectroscopy of the 2018/19 academic year).



Here you can consult the books that have been published so far by the members of our research group:
INTRODUCCIÓN A LA QUÍMICA FORENSE Carmen García Ruiz Edited by Bosch Editor ISBN: 978-84-122429-8-0 1st Edition November 12th, 2020 This book is looking for introducing the different terms of Forensic Chemistry in an European context. The definition of some of the basic concepts of this discipline are explained, before teaching the reader about the preanalytical stage, analytical stage and the interpretation of the obtained information. After all these initial topics, the controlled substances and Forensic Toxicology are described, as well as chemical and biological samples, psychoactive drugs and their metabolites, explo sive and fir e debris, trace materials (fibres, paints, glass or ground), documents, inks or gunshot residues. We invite you to read the first pages .
A NEW ECOLOGICAL WORKING FRAMEWORK FOR OVERCOMING DRUG-FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULTS Pablo Prego Meleiro Direction: Gemma Montalvo García, Carmen García Ruiz, Óscar Quintela Jorge University of Alcalá September 10th, 2021 Sobresaliente cum laude (Extraordinary Doctorate Award and Youth National Award 2020, Human Rights, InJuve, Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda).
SILICA-BASED MATERIALS AS ENZYME CARRIERS AND INORGANIC FILLERS IN FOOD-RELATED APPLICATIONS Diogo M. Videira Quintela Direction: Gemma Montalvo García, Olga Martín Cádiz University of Alcalá July 8th, 2022 Sobresaliente
PRESERVATION OF CADAVERS AND HUMAN TISSUES WITH A FORMALDEHYDE-FREE CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVE. Germán Antía Direction: Dra Gemma Montalvo Gracia & Dra. María Victoria Parra Marín University of Alcalá October 17th, 2024 Sobresaliente, mención “Cum Laude"
Publications by current CINQUIFOR members:
Carmen García Ruiz
Gemma Montalvo García
Fernando Ortega Ojeda
Cristina Cano Trujillo
Research group at the University of Alcalá