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CINQUIFOR periodically organises interesting conferences in the field of Forensic Sciences, on various topics such as crime scenes, forensic genetics, improvised explosive devices, forensic medicine... Entrance is free until the venue is full, which is usually a classroom/room in the Faculties of Pharmacy or Science. We recommend that you follow us on Social Networks (Facebook and Twitter), where we always announce all our events in detail and well in advance. We also have a channel on YouTube where we upload videos about our different informative activities. Furthermore, CINQUIFOR, due to its vast knowledge in different analysis techniques and interpretation of analytical results, also offers courses and workshops on an ad hoc basis, either at its facilities or at any agreed location.

Other courses, conferences & workshops


Summer courses

Courses &


The University of Alcalá (UAH) has established University Extension Studies aimed at the dissemination of knowledge. These include the Summer Courses, in which CINQUIFOR has been participating since 2012 (first as INQUIFOR). Thus, between 2012 and 2016, we organised 5 editions of the course Resolving Chemical-Forensic Problems, with the first edition of the course Fires: Research and Analysis taking place in 2016, which in 2021 will be held for the fifth time.
Research group at the University of Alcalá