Youth Actions
against drugs and sexual violence
Sexual violence encompasses all those unwanted sexual acts, attempts, comments or
advances that are today a major global public health problem. One out of ten women in
Europe has suffered some form of sexual violence since the age of fifteen, and one in
twenty women has been a victim of rape.
In Spain, 14% of women over the age of 15 have suffered sexual violence at some point
in their lives. Although they are not the exclusive victims, studies carried out in Spain
and in other countries point to young women as the main victims of sexual violence.
How does it relate to drugs?
The mediation of psychoactive drugs in sexual interactions has been present throughout history, but in the recent decades a
gender gap has been observed with higher use among women. From the intersection between psychoactive substance use
and sexual violence comes the concept of drug-facilitated sexual assault or DFSA.
What can we do to improve ourselves?
The CINQUIFOR group proposes educational intervention in young people through service learning, which is nothing more
than learning by providing a service to the community. This methodology allows us to go deeper into the acquisition of new
knowledge and to work more efficiently in achieving personal and social ethical values.
CINQUIFOR works with more than 400 young people from the University of Alcalá who act as active prevention agents in a
vertical intervention process with young people from educational centres in the region.
If you want to know more…
Please, feel free to visit our website of the National Plan on Drugs for more information.