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CINQUIFOR has participated in eleven of the thirteen editions of the European Researchers' Night that have taken place in Madrid to date.
Since 2011, CINQUIFOR has participated in eleven of the twenty-two editions of Madrid's Science Week, which celebrates its 22th edition in 2022.
Since 2002, the Chemistry in Action workshop aims to bring the reality of chemistry closer to high school students.

Our work has been rewarded

At the end of 2017, the University of Alcalá will award us the III Scientific Dissemination Awards 2017 for the best initiative disseminated through the media (press, television or radio), in recognition of our efforts to bring science closer to society and to transfer the results of our scientific research to it. We firmly believe that the dissemination of Science and research to the general public is essential to ensure that scientific activity and the impact that research has on the progress of societies are valued.
Those countries that encourage research are the ones that are currently the richest and have the highest standard of living. Outreach activities make us learn to communicate at a level that reaches all audiences and, in our case, that we are dealing with a scientific and interdisciplinary discipline such as Forensic Sciences, to see the enormous applicability of the scientific work we do and its repercussion and social impact.



In an interview, Álvaro Martínez del Pozo, Professor of Biochemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid, said that "Science is culture, just like the Humanities, Literature, Music [...]. Knowledge, knowing more than anything else, is freedom; it makes it easier to express one's opinion. We have a duty that is mandatory for us: to involve ourselves in tasks of dissemination and diffusion [...]". CINQUIFOR, from its origins as INQUIFOR to the present day, is very aware of its commitment to contribute to a broad activity to disseminate its scientific knowledge and vision as a research group in Chemical and Forensic Sciences, both to students in schools and institutes and to the general public. This dissemination work began in 2010 and continues today, with activities that, over the years, have brought together an enormous number of people interested in Science in general and in our work in particular. Of these activities, the following stand out:





AULA (IFEMA) TALLERES DE SUMISIÓN QUÍMICA Dña. Irantzu Recalde Esnoz y D. Pablo Prego Meleiro (CINQUIFOR - Instituto de la Mujer, Aula de Igualdad).
Research group at the University of Alcalá