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Our commitment to sustainable development

Finished projects

In 2015, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a new path to improve life in the world in a global and egalitarian way. To this end, it has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with diverse themes and influence at different levels. The lines of research we are currently developing are focused on sustainable development with a view to the 2030 Agenda. Our aim is to ensure that all our efforts are aimed at a fairer, more egalitarian and environmentally responsible future.

Evaluation of the activity of novel polymeric films to

inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in foodstuffs

Food research is focused on enhancing food safety through the development of new films with bactericidal and antioxidant action, applied to food packaging. The use of biodegradable polymers, together with the reduced waste that is achieved by extending the life of foodstuffs, makes it possible to achieve a lower volume of waste, less toxicity, and therefore contributes to reducing environmental pollution as well as greater food safety.
Related SDG:

Real-time on-site forensic trace qualification (RISEN)

European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme

European Commission Grant Agreement No 883116

Reference no | H2020-SU-FCT02-2019-883116

Execution date | 01/07/2020- 30/06/2024

Improving the identification of biological fluids at the scene of a crime is an elementary step in the police investigation and prosecution of suspected crimes. Biological fluids such as blood can be confused with everyday interferents such as chocolate or ketchup, depending on the type of surface they impregnate or the time they are collected. This work is part of an EU-funded project in the H2020 programme where scientists, technologists and law enforcement personnel are working together to make people safer in order to protect and defend themselves.
Related SDG:

Identification of New Psychoactive Substance (NPS)

use profiles in Spain

Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiales (IUICP)

Universidad de Alcalá

Reference no | IUICP-2019/07

Execution date | 05/12/2019 - 05/12/2021

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are of great interest in the National Plan on Drugs and Addictions (2018-2020) where they are recognised as a threat to public health. Collaboration is carried out with the General Commissariat of Scientific Police (CGPC), the Criminalistics Service of the Civil Guard (SCGC) and the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF) for the acquisition and use of analytical instrumentation with high identification capacity that leads to a better identification of NPS and their metabolites and thus be able to update the profiles of NPS consumption in Spain and face actions that allow updating the existing regulatory framework.
Related SDG:

Identifying risk factors for drug-facilitated sexual

abuse (DFSA) based on forensic-police data

Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiales (IUICP)

Universidad de Alcalá

Reference no | IUICP-2019/06

Execution date | 01/11/2018- 31/08/2021

Drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) due to drug use has received special attention in recent decades. We make use of advanced analytical tools and efficient data collection from police reports and expert toxicology reports. The aim is to analyse the social problems of DFSA, interpret the results and transfer the conclusions to the institutional level and disseminate them to the international scientific community through the publication of the results obtained.
Related SDG:
Related SDG:

Evaluation and educational intervention to prevent

drug use and sexual violence in youth leisure contexts

Research Projects on Addictions 2018 of the National Plan on Drugs -

Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare (MSCBS)

Reference no | 2018I032

Execution date | 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021

Chemical-toxicological and epidemiological research and educational intervention actions in the teaching framework, with service-learning methodologies related to alcohol and drug-facilitated sexual abuse, constitute one of the group's lines of research. Raising social awareness of the problem of drug-facilitated sexual aggression, a form of sexual violence that especially affects young women in leisure contexts.

Development of a spectrometer to measure the ultra-

weak photonic emission of people in stimulated states

Proyects “Explora Ciencia” 2017-Ministry of Science, Innovation and

Universities (MICINN)

Reference no |


Execution date | 01/11/2018 - 31/08/2021

Biophotonic radiation emitted by humans is visually undetectable as it is 3-6 orders of magnitude below the threshold of vision of the human eye. Its quantification is related to the knowledge and diagnosis of emotional and even physical health status in chronic pain diseases. What if fruits and plants were also sensitive to the conditions of their environment? They also emit biophotons and it is very interesting to assess whether we can know whether a fruit has been treated with pesticides that affect our health or whether it has been cared for in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
Related SGD:
Alcohol is the main drug present in situations of sexual violence in nightlife contexts, where gender inequality is manifested. This project proposes research into the relationship between alcohol/drug use and sexual violence among young people, using the university context as a diagnostic tool and a seed for participative actions by young people in environmental prevention, among peers, in terms of drugs and gender-based violence.

Transdisciplinary approach to investigate and prevent

drug-facilitated sexual assault through a prospective


Research Projects on Addictions 2021 of the National Plan on Drugs -

Ministry of Health.

Reference no | 2021I052

Execution date | 01/01/2022- 31/12/2024

Related SDG :
The aim of this project is to contribute to the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls and youth empowerment for active participation in global processes and efforts aimed at building a better future and achieving the challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All this through the study and prevention of sexual violence in nightlife contexts, and specifically, sexual aggression facilitated by psychoactive substances among young people and teenagers.

Youth in action overcoming global


Call of the University of Alcalá and the General Foundation of the

University of Alcalá for projects and activities related to the promotion of

the 2030 Agenda.

Reference no | FGUA-UAH 21-22 García y Montalvo

Execution date | 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022

Related SDG :
This project seeks to promote real and effective equality between men and women from a comprehensive sexual education approach. Adopting an approach focused on the intersection of inequalities in women for the preventive approach to drug- facilitated sexual aggressions in youth leisure contexts. An approach based on scientific evidence and directed against the cultural violence that underlies the phenomenon of drug-facilitated sexual assault, raising awareness of rape myths and sexist social attitudes and perceptions.

Knowledge transfer and dissemination: co-educating and

building international support and networks against alcohol and

drug-facilitated sexual assault in youth entertainment contexts

Call for the implementation of university activities related to Equality for

the year 2021.

Reference no | 42/1ACT/21

Execution date | 01/01/2022- 31/12/2022

Related SDG :

Reference no | PIUAH21/CC-059

Execution date | 01/12/2021 – 31/12/2022

Grants For The Realization Of UAH Research Projects - 2021

European projects


Capillary electrophoresis

ES 2445842, ES 2427692, ES 2386785

Food industry

ES 2802422, WO2021005255

Multi-purpose biophoton

measurement device

(in process) P202131106
Research group at the University of Alcalá